
Art on Paper Amsterdam


At Art on Paper Amsterdam, selected galleries and artdealers concentrate on work on or made with paper. The fair takes place in the industrial-monumental Gashouder and Transformator at Westergas.

Work on or made with paper, whether it be pencil, charcoal, pen and ink, watercolor, gouache or collage, often shows the artist in the most spontaneous and artistically free moment. The directness that is connected with this medium brings artist and viewer closer together. In their intimacy and vulnerability, works on or made with paper thrive well with the exclusive attention they receive at a specialized art fair.

Not only does work on or made with paper have a special character from an artistic point of view, it is often accessible and attractive in terms of format and price. Beginning art lovers might be doing one of their first art purchases here.


GASHOUDER and transformatorhuis, westergas

Klönneplein 1-2, 1014 DD Amsterdam

For information about accessibility and parking, visit HERE the Westergas website.

Would you like to visit one of our participants ? Check out the Gallery Tour!




Logo VBCN — Hart Amsterdammuseum                 

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Exhibition VBCN

The Netherlands Association of Corporate Art Collections (Vereniging Bedrijfscollecties Nederland, VBCN) will organize the impressive Central Exhibition in 2024, just as the Chabot Museum did in 2023 with Armando’s private art collection.

The VBCN is a non-profit network for Dutch companies and (semi) public institutions with an art collection policy. The participating members of the VBCN in the exhibition are:

AkzoNobel ● Amsterdam UMC ● a.s.r. ● ING ● Isala ● KPMG ● Lakeside Capital Partners ● LUMC ● Ministery of Foreign Affairs ● NN Group ● Province of Gelderland ● Rabobank ● Sanquin ● Triodos ● TwynstraGudde

In the exhibition Green Paper, members of the Association of Corporate Collections Netherlands will showcase artworks by artists reflecting on the theme of sustainability. Artists often anticipate movements that manifest as phenomena in society, and their artworks thus form a Green Paper avant la lettre. Some focus on material circularity, with everyday objects and packaging infiltrating their artistic practice. Others delve into cultural diversity and inclusion, exploring how power dynamics between humans, nature, and systems can be balanced.

Curious about the collections of the members of the VBCN?
Go to the website:

Open may 9-12 2024

Art on Paper Amsterdam 2024 has ended.


Art on Paper Amsterdam is organized by Enterprise & Art.

The selection committee respectively are: for the Netherlands Jeroen Dijkstra of Livingstone Gallery (The Hague), for Germany Martin Mertens of Gallery Martin Mertens (Berlin) and for Belgium Stijn Coppejans of Coppejans Gallery (Antwerp).


Click here for the lates press statements and photographs from last edition of Art on Paper Amsterdam.

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